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Thursday, September 18, 2008

How Then Shall We Vote?

As each of us discerns how we are going to vote in this and subsequent elections, I would like to point you to several wonderful resources produced by the Presbyterian Church (USA).

1. Presbyterian Social Witness Policy Compilation:
Throughout the history of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and its predecessor denominations, the General Assemblies have adopted numerous social witness policies that help the church to discern faithful acts of public witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

All of these policies have been brought together in an online guide arranged by topic. (I suggest that you view the guide in Java by clicking the tab that says “Java” just beneath the PC(USA) logo.)

As you examine what the candidates have to say about such issues as war, public education, reproductive rights, immigration, and the economy (to name a few), you can use the compilation to see what our church’s social witness policies have to say about these same issues.

This resource is produced by the General Assembly Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, and is updated annually. (Please note that the current copy online does not yet include policies adopted by the 218th General Assembly, which met this past June.)

2. “Christian and Citizen” Booklet:
The “Christian and Citizen” Booklet identifies some of the main policy issues that will be highlighted in this current election campaign, and gives the reader a sample of General Assembly statements that relate to these specific public policy issues.

The booklet also includes an theological introduction that outlines the challenging call we have as Christians to engage in political life.

This resource is produced by the PC(USA) Washington Office, and it does include policies adopted by the 218th General Assembly.

3. PC(USA) Washington Office Election Year Resource List:
The PC(USA) Washington Office website provides an extensive resource list every election year.

It includes voter registration information, worship resources, a study guide on Christians and Government, and several “how to” guides.

Many blessings as we each discern God’s call to engage in the public witness of the gospel this election season!
posted by Noelle at 10:59 AM


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