Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Monday, September 29, 2008

October is domestic violence awareness month.

Each year the Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN) provides a packet to assist congregations and communities in ministering to individuals and families afftected by domestic violence.

This year's packet focuses on elder abuse, but you can find materials related to other forms of domestic violence here.

I encourage you to check out these resources and lead a worship service or domestic violence awareness event at your church, on your campus, or at your campus ministry.

Unfortunately, domestic violence affects every community of faith. The congregation where I worship was recently confronted with this brutal fact when one of our members was shot and killed by her husband. The resources offered by PADVN have been helpful to our faith community as we deal with the aftermath of this tragedy and as we seek to prevent such violence from occuring again. It is my prayer that they will be helpful to you as well.

Let us know what you do this coming month to help raise awareness about domestic violence.
posted by Noelle at 4:05 PM


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