Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Where Two or Three are Gathered

This past weekend my husband, son and I drove to Flat Rock, NC for the wedding of one of our best friends from seminary.  Several other of our seminary friends made the journey, some from nearby and others from such faraway places as Rochester and San Francisco.

These friends were some of the women I was closest to during my time at Princeton.  We all lived in the same dorm (Hodge Hall), and we met every Friday afternoon to talk about our joys and our struggles from the week in a time known as "Wine and Whine."

Being with these women again reminded me of the importance of creating circles of trust, and particularly of the importance of creating circles of trust made up of women.  We gathered together over wine after the reception had ended and shared with each other the current joys and struggles of our lives.  What a blessing it was to share in each other's happines as well as to bear one another's burdens!

Do you have a circle of trust on your campus, in your congregation, or somewhere else?  If so, please share with us about it.  If not, think about starting one (NNPCW has resources that can help get you started).

I'm thinking about starting something here in Louisville with a couple of the women I know best.  It's in such gatherings as these that I most fully experience the life-giving power of God's Spirit.  I wish that for all of you, too.
posted by Noelle at 1:19 PM


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