Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Welcome to the 21st Century

I learned two new verbs today: to friend and to facebook.

If these words mean nothing to you, you are still in the 20th Century, a dark, distant land I exited only 3 short hours ago.

Yes, that's right: I am now a bona fide Facebook user, complete with my own profile, my NNPCW group, and--my personal favorite--the ability to poke.

Some of you may recall my first blog post on this fabulous site. It was in fact my first blog post ever. So you probably aren't surprised by the fact that I have just recently made my entree into the land of friending and facebooking. But you're right, it did take me a long time to get here. Too long.

I am of a different generation than young women in college today. My friends and I went all the way through college without cell phones--literally NO ONE we knew had one. We all got our first email accounts as college fresh(wo)men. And we had to be taught what to do with them. But worst of all, walking around my college campus you might have even spied a Walkman.

Indeed, I'm of totally different generation.

So it was a little difficult for me to understand the hype around Facebook. But I stepped out into the unknown today and found that the technology and tools of the 21st century aren't as scary as I thought they were. In fact, I kind of enjoyed playing around on Facebook this morning. I hope if you haven't already checked out the National Network of Presbyterian College Women group on Facebook that you will. I hope that you'll join it, too. And I'm actually hoping that while you're there, you might just go ahead and friend me...
posted by Noelle at 2:11 PM


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