Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Friday, December 01, 2006

Hungry (Submitted by Iyana Davis)

I am so hungry right's not even funny. This lady was breast feeding her baby on the train the other day and she just so happened to be sitting in front of me. I wish that every time I am hungry someone would just feed me. I guess that is why it says in the Bible we should be like children. Christ said, "allow the children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven." If we are truly attempting to achieve heaven on earth, we must be like little children, always hungry. In God's word it says they that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be here I sit...hungry. As a matter fact, I am starving, waiting for my next meal. It's not going to come from somebody else, I gotta get it myself. I think about all the times I would be in my dorm room wishing a sister had some ramen noodles, or some pb-'n-j, all the nights i go to sleep hungry. I'm turning over a new leaf! Today is a brand new day...and, God must be tired of spoon feeding me...
posted by Noelle at 2:04 PM


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