Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Men and Salvation...

Alright I would like to expand to my list of things I like about Texas thus far…
4) Cowboy…boots! It is 80 degrees and there are still people wearing them. I only showed pigs in them one year and my comfort got the best of me. Props to those who still don the cowboy bootage.
5) San Marcos students. I have no idea how they go to class when it is so beautiful and sunny and, well, darn right perfect outside. If I went to TSU I would have a Masters in sun-bathing.

Yes, in case you are wondering, I have found one thing I dislike about Texas. Highway 35! If there was ever a reason not to come to Austin, I35 would be IT. I do not understand how there can be an exit off of the highway but only a loop to get back on every 5 miles. There is a road on each side of I35 which runs parallel and only the same way. I think Texans might be impatient or must live to back-track. Either way I don’t get it. If someone could explain it to me it would be greatly appreciated.

I thought I would elaborate on my experience at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. What a great group of leaders and college students. I met some great ladies who were interested in starting a Women’s Group! Yea! Just what I love to hear. I loaded her and Mike Miller up with Discussion Resources, brochures and all other kinds of fun stuff.

While I was there one guy came up to me and asked if he could be in NNPCW, and he even wanted a “Jesus Loves Feminists” shirt. I told him we always needed more men to stand with us. The fight for the vote had to be done by women influencing men. I still remember the scene in “Iron Jawed Angels,” where the senator receives a note from his mother. He then changes his vote, and rose color. I thank all the men who stood in solidarity with women over the years. Without their help we would not be where we are today.

Today I looked around Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. I was given a campus tour, met some students, went to chapel, and attended a New Testament class. In the class we had a great conversation about salvation. What it is, how we get it and why we need it. Very intriguing to say the very least were the answers that the students gave. Everything from, “salvation is grace through faith” to “salvation is given so eternal damnation or removal from God does not happen.” Interesting.

Alright off to meet with people at Baylor! Up to Waco I go…

1 Timothy 1:14
The grace of our Lord was poured out on to me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

posted by Noelle at 3:31 PM


Youth, Culture and Religion

The Reverend Nathan Day Wilson will deliver the 2006 Rockefeller Lecture on Youth, Culture and Religion. The title of his lecture is "Caught and Taught: The Art of Generating Faith with Older Adolescents."

"Nathan is relentlessly curious and an engaging speaker," said Dr. Benjamin Woods, the Dottie M. Rae Chair of Classics.
Blogger NATHAN D WILSON, at 9:44 AM  

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