Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Thursday, December 15, 2005

A Bit of Holiday Goo

I came into work today hauling a large suitcase, an even larger duffel bag, and a carry-on. Now, I’ve come to pride myself on my ability to pack light—even on international trips these days, I can get away with a single carry-on and personal item. But all that goes out the window when I’m heading home for Christmas. My apartment is so barren that it looks like locusts came through and ate everything. I even gave the Office of Racial Justice intern Eun-hyey Park, who gave me a ride into work this morning, ten eggs and a poinsettia. But I must say that it was hard, as always, to leave the ‘Stang behind. I know how much she misses me when I’m gone.

I’ve noticed that it is always difficult for me to write thought-provoking stuff the day I leave for any trip. During the holidays particularly, when activity is so frenetic anyway, it becomes even more difficult to pause and reflect on what this season is all about.

[Kenny G starts playing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” softly in the background]

At this point, you’re probably shouting, “Stop! No more clichés about the true meaning of Christmas!!!!” Don’t worry, I’m not in my preachy holiday goo mode this morning. But I have been thinking, particularly since this is my last day in the office this year, about what you members of NNPCW have accomplished in the past twelve months. Here’s just a smattering:

All in all, I would say that 2005 has largely been a successful year for the Network, thanks to your energy and enthusiasm. So in this combination of belated Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s holiday blog, I want to say thank you for being here this year. The best part of my job, aside from free food courtesy of God, is the time I spend brainstorming, discussing, debating, and learning with all of you. And it is that chance to see you grow—in confidence, in faith, in understanding—that makes my grunt work worth every minute.

Have a fantastic holiday season with loved ones, and think of me when you’re eating that piece of chocolate cake with the extra layer of frosting.

“We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing.” --2 Thessalonians 1:3


posted by Noelle at 11:08 AM


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