Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tired and Weary, but Still a Good Time

My lockout woes continue... I locked the keys to the little red clown car in the trunk last night before my presentation at Westminster College. It is embarassing to say this, but this is the second time this year that I've locked the keys to a rental car in my trunk on the World Tour. David is right when he says that despite all the anti-lockout preventative measures they put on those cars, you can't idiot-proof everything. So I had to wait for AAA to come break me into the car (no, I have not yet acquired any carjacking skills). Of course, I had my cell phone on silent mode for the presentation, so when they called me to ask where I was, I didn't hear it. I didn't get home until around 10 or 10:30 pm last night, and I was here at Missouri Valley College in Marshall at 8:30 am.

Yesterday I had lots of fun with the folks at Central Missouri State University and Westminster College. Both groups were looking to expand their ministries into different directions, to fill specific niches on campus. At CMSU, there was a lot of talk about reviving a peer ministry program that had once existed there. We discussed how, especially for students that come from small rural areas, the complex issues that face college students can be overwhelming. It helps to have a peer, someone a bit less intimidating than a minister, to share doubts and confusion with as you sort those things out. Incidentally, we also had a conversation about Facebook-- what does it mean when people you don't even know can find out everything about you?

Westminster is a Presbyterian school, formerly male-only, about 900 students. I met with a group of young women for dinner and essentially gave them the NNPCW pitch. They were interested-- apparently there aren't many overtly faith-based social justice groups on campus, and really not much at all for women. One of the students said that this lack of social opportunities for women on campus actually turned some students off to attending the college. From what they said, the need for something NNPCW-related is there. Hopefully they'll be able to get a group started.

I've also been plugging the 2006 Leadership Event, Women Among Them Astounded Us: A Celebration of Women in All Generations, during this trip. For those of you who don't know, the event will be held July 7-11, 2006 in Louisville, KY, and will focus on intergenerational dialogue. I'm also thinking that part of it, in light of the anniversaries of women's ordination coming up, will also be a celebration of women's history within the church as well as a looking toward the future. More details will come as the planning team meets on November 20.

I'll be traveling back to Louisville tonight after my presentation at the University of Missouri-Columbia. It is about a six hour drive, plus we move an hour ahead in the time zone. So be thinking about me, and I'll be sure to blog either tomorrow or Friday to sum up the trip. Missouri Valley College has been interesting thus far, watching students in one of Chaplain Tim Kiser's classes try to bend their minds around the nature of truth. Ah, some days I miss the classroom.

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." --Isaiah 40:30-31

posted by Noelle at 11:34 AM


So I picked up our school paper today, the Sou'Wester and guess what was on the front page..."Students discuss Women's role in the ministry." Exciting! I will make sure to save a copy for you!

Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM  
With the numerous times that you have locked yourself out of house, car, etc., you may want to consider going through a training course to become a locksmith. The training would pay for itself, plus you could always do it as a second job.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:45 AM  
Note to readers -
Kelsey doesn't just lock herself out. We roomed together in college for a grand total of 4 months; yet she locked me out of our room while I was JUST DOWN THE HALL doing student leadership stuff at least 3-4 times. Of course, I'm equally bad about those things, so it evened out ;)
Blogger Amy, at 3:32 PM  

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