Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Cultural Proficiency?

Sadness… the church has moved its roving eye away from this plucky little blog and back to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Understandable. But since we’ve pickup up at least five new Network memberships since the feature went up last week, I was kind of hoping to ride the gravy train for as long as possible.

And you’re all probably angry with me right now—it is already 5:30 pm, and you haven’t had a blog post since Friday! Shocking neglect on my part, I must confess. But I was off yesterday, and I don’t have Internet at home. Today I basically hopped from one meeting to another, where I learned the fun skill of disciplining your employees, followed by an afternoon exploring the wonderful world of budgets with Mary Elva. At least I had cake at the latter meeting. So you’ll have to forgive me for the lateness, and the shortness, of this post. I’ll be back tomorrow with my usual musings on life.

One thing buzzing around Women’s Ministries right now that is kind of interesting… we have a new “cultural proficiency” initiative going on around PresbyLand. The goal is to get us to be more aware and more adept at working with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and to create an environment more hospitable to them. Very worthy goal, of course, and they did have a great kickoff party the other day with smoked salmon for the masses.

As part of the initiative, though, someone posted signs all over the building highlighting our values and commitments when it comes to cultural diversity. Right in front of the door to Women’s and Racial Ethnic Ministries, for instance, there is a sign headed by the word “Justice.” But in one of those gaffes that sometimes happens, the same sign sitting right in front of Women’s Ministries refers to the “God of our fathers” in a passage from the King James Version of the Bible—and for those of you in the know, inclusive language for God and language that includes women in the Body of Christ is a big thing around here. Hmmm… and I thought the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) officially used the New Revised Standard Version. Not the most culturally proficient thing to do as it relates to us here in Women’s Ministries.

But anyway, I’m going home for the night. Until tomorrow!!

“But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” --2 Corinthians 4:7

posted by Noelle at 5:51 PM


Everybody should use the King James Bible since that's the Bible Jesus used.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:35 AM  
I am sorry maybe you could send me the copyright dates on the NKJ version of the Bible? Cause, I seem to remember that Jesus never read the Bible since it was put together a few years after his death.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:38 PM  

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