Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

On the Road Again Soon

It’s World Tour time again!! That’s right, my friends, after a five-month hiatus, I’m about to embark on another wondrous World Tour. And after playing with schedules, I’ve finally nailed down the details.

The Fall 2005 tour will visit four states in nine days, November 1-9—my shortest tour yet, although that probably won’t diminish the number of schools I actually visit. As I’ve mentioned before, the tour will take in western Tennessee, northeast Arkansas (where I’ll finally meet my 93-year-old great-uncle Floyd), eastern Kansas, and Missouri. Schools currently scheduled on the tour include:

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
Rhodes College, Memphis, TN
Lyon College, Batesville, AR
Southwest Missouri State, Springfield, MO
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
United Campus Ministries of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO
Westminster College, Fulton, MO
University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO

I’m also discussing possible visits with several other campuses right now, but I can use your help—if you happen to be in this region as part of a congregation, presbytery, Presbyterian Women group, or congregation, please contact me about visiting you. As always, I’m looking to reach out beyond simply campus ministries to connect with congregations and others interested in learning more about ministry with young adults. I have no fewer than seven regular program options I can do for you (and a few others in my back pocket from previous adventures). I would love to come visit.

One other travel adventure that might be significant to note, for you dedicated blog readers—from October 25-31, I will be traveling with NNPCW alumna Ann Crews Melton and Associate for Women’s Advocacy Molly Casteel to the International Forum of the Association of Women’s Rights in Development in Bangkok, Thailand. I understand that a cyber café will be available to conference participants, so I’m hoping that I can do regular blog updates about the wonders of Thailand and the conference while I’m there. I will also be sure to notify my mother via the blog if I have contracted avian bird flu. Stay tuned for more information.

So keep me in your thoughts as I enter a pretty heavy traveling period in a very short time. The flight to Bangkok from Louisville will be about 25 hours, plus a crazy time change. Any jetlag-busting tips would be greatly appreciated.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’” --Isaiah 6:8

posted by Noelle at 10:00 AM


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