Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Thursday, September 15, 2005

No Utensils!

I promised a quick blog, and since Jennifer Ross’ plane had problems, I’m now able to deliver. Her delay was surprise number two of the day, number one being the discovery, upon my arrival at Cedar Ridge, that they threw away all their silverware and pots/pans that we used last year. So most of my kitchen has now relocated to Cedar Ridge. As long as I get everything back, it’s all good.

Rebecca, I did bake your cake a few days ago, and David’s parents enjoyed it very much when they joined me for dinner last night. What’s left of it has also gone to Cedar Ridge, where it will be devoured by the ravenous mouths of the Coordinating Committee. They like a whole lot of chocolate, which is why I bought bunches of it at the grocery store. But you have to be careful—too much chocolate, and they’ll say that there aren’t enough greens and other healthy snacks. But there is mass riot if the Milanos aren’t there at all. With six new people, there’s no telling how my morning’s grocery shopping will go over.

Well, I have to go and pick up the next set of CoCo members at the airport. These are three complete strangers to me—Kristin Williams, Maisha Johnson, and Carrie Weisbard. Perhaps I’ll make a sign to hold up… nah, that will take all the fun out of it.

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.” --Isaiah 9:2

posted by Noelle at 2:06 PM


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