Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Monday, August 08, 2005


A few random observations for today…

Why don’t more people move out West? After surviving this summer of horrid humidity here in Louisville, I just can’t understand why people aren’t flocking to great anti-humidity states such as Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Arizona, etc. Yes, it can get really hot in some of these places, and you do have the occasional concerns with fires, earthquakes and volcanoes. But surely that can’t be any worse than the annual beating Florida takes during hurricane season.

Why is it that in the summer, people air condition buildings to nearly Arctic temperatures? And then in the winter, you feel like you’re in the Bahamas indoors? It makes dressing for the weather a near impossibility—you need jackets to wear inside in the summer and tank tops after November.

Whenever you turn on radio or television, it seems that they’re never playing anything good. Is it just that there are no good songs/TV shows out, or do I just hit the bad times? This is why I never watch TV. I have to listen to something while heading into work, though.

Sorry, nothing really deep today—I needed to take a breath from serious and thought-provoking topics. Check back in tomorrow for the theological mind-benders.

“God is faithful; by God you were called into the fellowship of God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” --1 Corinthians 1:9

posted by Noelle at 10:34 AM



Thanks for taking a look around the site. I'll e-mail you directly to answer your questions more thoroughly, but just a note for the larger world out there about the benefit of joining NNPCW-- honestly, it is about the community of faith that young women find in this organization. So many of the students we work with find themselves isolated on their campuses, whether because of their religious beliefs, their commitment to women's issues, or the combination they have of both. In NNPCW, they often find other young women out there asking the same questions, struggling with the same issues, and striving to lead faithful lives as women in an increasingly complex church and world. For women who get involved by coming to our Leadership Event, joining the Coordinating Committee, or starting/joining groups on their own campuses, this "safe space" to be authentic and to be transformed by Christ's empowering love is probably the most profound thing we can offer students. It is why I do the work I do, and the strongest reason I would give people to join NNPCW.

Blogger Noelle, at 2:39 PM  
Just to clarify that until last year, we (at least in the Panhandle of Florida) had had very few hurricanes "pounding" us. I can think of 3 hurricanes in the 21 years of my life previous to last year. At least with hurricanes you can predict them with some certainty. There's no warning for earthquakes.

Also, it gets COLD in places out west. I personally have seen snow on the ground only once in my life, and I like it that way. I don't function at all in cold weather.

That's why people don't move out west. Or at least, why I don't.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:35 AM  

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