Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Kelsey's Coming to Visit...

Except for a phone extension that the computer people still haven’t transferred for me, I’m all moved into my new office. Two years of cube accumulation, however, did not prepare me for the additional space. My bookshelf is almost empty (thanks for stealing my books for the Advocacy Library, Gusti!) and my walls would be completely bare if it weren’t for a giant sheet hanging in one corner (apologies for the crude description of your lovely communal art project, participants of the 2001 Leadership Event), and my sister’s version of abstract art stuck to the cabinet. And worst of all, I don’t know what to do with my postcard collection. I don’t think Building Services would appreciate 50+ pushpins hammered into the plaster walls.

If you feel so moved, your contributions of interesting, woman-centered decorations and books for my office would be appreciated. As always, NNPCW and I both also take your generous cash donations.

I spent a good chunk of yesterday in my new work home, thinking about this fall’s World Tour. I have almost decided to go to western Tennessee for sure, mainly because the University of Memphis Presbyterian ministry actually invited me to come. Jennifer Ross from Rhodes College also promised to take me to Graceland if I came to visit. How can I turn my back on such a grand show of Southern hospitality?

As for other possible stops, I’m seriously musing on Missouri and Kansas this time. I’ve visited the edges of the country—New England, the Pacific Northwest, the Southeast, Texas—but I’ve still not gone to the heartland. Plus, we have one of our strongest supporters in the wonderful campus ministry at the University of Kansas, and I would really like to go visit them.

One last area I’m considering, partly for personal reasons—northeast Arkansas. Now, you’re probably asking what appeal rural Arkansas has to a woman from the Pacific Northwest. Actually, my dad’s side of the family comes from there. My grandparents were born in that region, near Batesville (home of PC(USA)-related Lyon College). My great-uncle Floyd, somewhere in his 90s, is still living in the area. So I could visit Lyon and maybe get a few days of family history in the bargain.

So if you happen to be reading this and are from one of the above-mentioned states, send me an invitation to come to your campus or congregation. Nothing is set in stone yet, so your e-mails may sway me toward a different region instead, or solidify my desire to come to Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas. I’m bundles of fun, and you are always welcome to join my Graceland party.

And here’s a good Bible verse for college students making tuition payments this month:

“Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.” --Proverbs 23:23

posted by Noelle at 10:19 AM


Why don't you come to the bustling metropolis of Crestwood, KY? There are so many people there who would like to have you over and talk to you.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 PM  
why don't you come to east tennessee? we got hospitality over here, too. hook up with Anne McKee and go to maryville college.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:12 PM  
Thanks for the comment, Jen-- actually, I've been to Maryville, in fall 2003 as part of the Southeast World Tour. We've maxxed out our two visits to one area in nine years, though, so I can't come back. For the record, though, the folks in East Tennessee are every bit as hospitable as the westerners. I was fed extremely well on that trip.

And as for "Anonymous" (you know who you are), I think all the college women in Crestwood, Kentucky are very satisfied with the attention they receive from NNPCW.
Blogger Noelle, at 3:49 PM  

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