Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Action-Packed Leadership Event

Ah… another early morning, another sleepy Kelsey. Remember how I tried to come in an hour early yesterday to make up for taking a half day on Friday? Well, my extra hour got eaten up by my sick ‘Stang. Yes, my friends, the Mustang was ill, but she has been healed!! Hallelujah!!

In more prosaic terms, the mechanic replaced some switch that was preventing the air conditioning from working—and with my mother coming next week to visit, we had to have A/C. Either way, sorting that out ate up the extra hour, so now I need two extra hours in order to get back on track. Hence my early arrival this morning.

And what was the second thing I did this morning after arriving? Yes, I rushed to the computer lockbox to see how many of you have sent in your registrations for the Leadership Event. Remember, you still have today to get that in, and I must say that many of you are being lax about it.

Perhaps you’re reading this thinking, “But I’m not a college undergraduate woman.” But you know college women! Even my very own mother (yes, you, Mom) knows several college women that she could recruit for the event. My sister, my first cousin, my first cousin once removed… see what I mean? All college women. You, too, know college women in your churches, your families, your knitting circles. So start telling them that they need to go to the Leadership Event!

Now, I’ve tried to sell you as much as possible on this event. Think about all the great reasons to come to Chicago this summer:

Phew! Now, if that doesn’t convince you that this is a “can’t miss” event, I don’t know what will. This will be a great opportunity for you to put your faith into action, and to learn tools that you can take back to campus for change. I’ll see you in Chicago!

“But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.” --James 2:18


posted by Noelle at 9:13 AM


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