Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Worker Justice Conference!

I'm still hanging out at my house in Dryden, where I finally got a good night's sleep (my mom can't stay awake and talk half the night like my friends can). Today is a true free day, so I'm going to spend some time catching up on office work before hitting the softball field. Today my sister will take the pitcher's mound against the Brewster Bears here in Dryden, where the softball fields are named in memory of my dad. That's how big fastpitch is in our family.

A few weeks ago, when the Taco Bell boycott ended, I met two staff people for Interfaith Worker Justice, one of the four social agencies we'll be working with at the 2005 NNPCW Leadership Event. In the middle of our conversation, Emily and Kim mentioned that they will be holding a conference on May 22-24 in Chicago. Since then, our office has decided that Ann Crews Melton, NNPCW alumna and interim Associate for Women's Advocacy in the PC(USA), and I will be attending! We cordially invite any of you who might be interested to come hang out with us in Chicago.

What will this conference be about, you might ask? Well, it will teach us to advocate for justice for workers, such as those involved in the Taco Bell boycott, from a faith perspective. The conference will be a great place to meet other people who care about the same issues, learn the skills for effective organizing and coalition-building, and find spiritual renewal with others who care about justice. If you're interested in going, e-mail me-- there maybe be some scholarships available through the church's Office of Urban Ministry. Also check out for more information.

Remember, Ann and I will be there, and we'd love to have you come, too!

"Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you." --Deuteronomy 16:20

posted by Noelle at 11:57 AM


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