Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Returning to the Office

I launched a new endeavor last night... a GRE prep course. After my humiliating defeat in October 2003 at the hands of the Educational Testing Service, I vowed that I would return to Sylvan Learning Center one day and vanquish the evil GRE. That day, my friends, has come. While I generally try not to use militaristic language in this blog, I cannot describe this in any other terms than as an epic battle against demonic forces known by such names as "quantitative analysis," "analogies," and "antonyms." My scores, particularly my math score, must be better in order for me to go to a decent grad school sometime soon. My target test date? Late May. My target test score? Hmm....

As much as I love to travel, I also love coming back to the office after a long absence. I actually enjoy the piles of mail to open, the voicemails to answer, and the numerous tasks waiting to be finished. There is followup on the World Tour, intern hiring, and Leadership Event planning to do. Small random tasks abound, and without another World Tour to plan, I may actually have time to update the membership database. So those of you waiting for packets in the mail, they will come forthwith.

And what else greeted me this morning when I stepped into the familiar confines of Cube 3044A? The new edition of Sisters Together! Expect to see the spring issue in your mailbox in the next week or two. This issue focuses on the theme of prejudice, the topic of the 2005 Leadership Event in Chicago. Particularly check out the new "Talk Back" section, which includes perspectives from NNPCW women on various forms of prejudice. E-mail me to request a copy of the newsletter, or wait for it to become available online in the next few weeks at

One last update, too-- rumor has it that our beloved former staffperson, Gusti Newquist, made it past the Bolivian blockades and has returned to the United States. My sources also say that Gusti has finally settled on Harvard Divinity School for her graduate work. So NNPCW members and alumnae in Boston, watch out! Gusti was kind enough to send me a postcard for my collection today from La Paz, so I thought I would pass the info along.

Until tomorrow!

"For the Lord is good; God's steadfast love endures forever, and God's faithfulness to all generations." --Psalm 100:5


PS-- For those of you who don't know, I do have a postcard collection that covers a wall of my cube, and I love getting postcards from new places. If you've been somewhere recently, send me a postcard! I would be so happy to hear from you!
posted by Noelle at 12:43 PM

2 Comments: should have said something sooner, I could have sent you a postcard of the world's largest wine barrel in Germany.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:56 PM  
And oh, how excited I would have been to receive it! Maybe next time....
Blogger Noelle, at 4:36 PM  

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