Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A Day at 100 Witherspoon

After staring at the wall of my cube for several minutes, waiting for some inspiration to hit me about my blogging topic (no feminist rants today, folks), my muse finally spoke. So today I'm going to tell you about what I actually do in a day here at 100 Witherspoon, aka the Presbyterian Center. So prepare for a thrilling journey through dark hallways, where intrigue and passion abound....

Sorry, if you think that is the Presbyland we inhabit, I can suggest a few Harlequins for you (or Christian romance novels, although the intrigue and passion factors both go down significantly on those). But that's a topic for another day. I fill my working days with a variety of tasks, usually related to planning and logistics for the various projects of the Network. These can include everything from organizing committee meetings to arranging transportation to the 2006 Leadership Event. But my work really hinges on one key factor-- e-mail.

For instance, take this morning. After walking to work in the brilliant sunshine I knew I wouldn't get to enjoy for long, I sat down at my desk and turned my computer on. While waiting for that, I began processing the tasks that need finishing:

--Registration for the Interfaith Worker Justice National Conference,
--Preparation for and staffing of the Racial Ethnic Task Force call tonight,
--Preparation for the Resources Task Force call tomorrow,
--Leadership Event stuff,
--Intern interview stuff,
--Web update,
--Start a draft for a case study Ann Crews Melton and I are writing to win money for Women's Ministries :).

Now, these tasks require copious amounts of e-mail, mostly consisting of single phrases like, "3 pm doesn't work-- how about 6?" or "Can't do tonight's call because of homework. Sorry." I spent a good chunk of my time this morning e-mailing and responding to such comments.

So to break up the e-mail chain, I went to a staff meeting. Basically, these are chances for us to update Mary Elva, our supervisor, about what's going on, and for her to pass on critical information-- this time about the ever-exciting budget. It seems NNPCW will have a bit more money than we thought. That is always good.

Then I came back to my desk to find more e-mail (Mom e-mailed to say that my income tax check came to the house, for a whopping $12 refund). Finally, I opened up Blogger to start my daily epistle to you all out there.

So, that's what a typical morning is like at the Presbyterian Center. This afternoon will be more e-mails, a staff directory photo at 2:35 pm (on an unfortunately bad hair day), another meeting with Mary Elva, and the Racial Ethnic Task Force call tonight. My day has a little bit of Dilbert, a tad bit of Office Space... but actually, a whole lot of fun. I get to talk to you all and to work to make the church better for all young adults. I meet cool people dealing with important issues. And I learn every day what it takes to translate ideas about justice and equality from words on a page to a new society. I wouldn't trade the experience for any Harlequin bodice-ripping adventure.

"Moreover, it is God's gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil." --Ecclesiastes 3:13


posted by Noelle at 11:18 AM


Christian romance novels??? I bet those are great pieces of literature.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:48 PM  
"Love Comes Softly" and other Janette Oke novels, oh yeah... classics in Christian romance ;). Actually, I've read some pretty decently written stuff in my day. Some of it isn't any worse than the usual trade paperbacks we voraciously consume. But I gave up the Christian romances quite a while ago. All in the past, all in the past.
Blogger Noelle, at 3:13 PM  

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