Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ways to Pray

When I was a little girl, I heard all the time about prayer warriors-- people who would sit for hours in their "prayer closets," talking to God. My grandmother's first cousin's wife, in fact, was once deep in conversation with God at 2 am when she looked out the window and discovered her daughter's friends TP-ing the house! I know another teacher in my old high school who prays for each of her students, every single morning before school.

Praying is definitely a discipline, one that I greatly admire. It is one of the most basic ways of connecting with God-- a period not only to speak your heart's anguish, but also to listen for God's still, small voice to you.

For some of us, prayer comes easily. For others, though, it is hard to be a so-called "prayer warrior." There are many ways to pray, though, and the PC(USA)'s Office of Spiritual Formation puts out great resources on it (check out If you don't find sitting in your room with a candle to be the best way of centering yourself for prayer, here are some suggestions from that office for bringing your body into worship:

NNPCW also has some great information in the discussion resource about embodied prayer, and the importance of not trying to separate our minds from God's good creation of our bodies when we worship. Take a look at it-- if you're not a contemplative type, these ways of praying may resonate more with you as a way to connect to God.

May you find rest in the busyness of life today, and may you hear God's voice through the din of the world.

"David danced before the Lord with all his might; David was girded with a linen ephod." --2 Samuel 6:14


PS-- As you're using these new prayer techniques this week... on Palm Sunday local Palestinian Christians are going to walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem with donkeys and palm branches to symbolize the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem 2000 years ago. However, since 1990 Palestinian Christians and Muslims have not been able to enter the Holy City to worship God. They will most likely be stopped at an Israeli checkpoint and prohibited from entering Jerusalem. Please pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ as they witness to peace and to God's love for all the children of Abraham.

posted by Noelle at 9:25 AM


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