Image: Network News, better than ice cream sundaes at the college dining hall

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Chocolate Alumnae

I just got finished talking to Mary Elva, the Coordinator for Women's Ministries. And all I could think about, as I left her office, was "must have food." I think this experience is unique to the "Office Space" life that so many of us lead after leaving college (so much to look forward to, college friends)-- the intense food cravings that come from sitting in a cube or in a meeting all day, day after day after day. The smart ones keep healthy things in their workspace, stuff like carrot sticks or pretzels. I keep chocolate. Mind you, I don't actually buy any of this chocolate for myself. It is just stuff people keep giving me. And since I don't bring any snacks of my own in an attempt to keep myself from snacking uncontrollably, I snack uncontrollably on the chocolate other people bring me. I just popped a peanut butter cup and an orange chocolate ball. I feel better now...

...which means I can tell you a bit about what's going on. Our office is thinking a lot more these days about all the other young women out there-- those of you who are finished with undergrad and are suffering through grad school, or those who, like me, munch on chocolate all day in their cubicles. We have a couple of thoughts about what you all want from your church as you leave college (or don't go to college) and move out into the cold, cruel world. One is an NNPCW alumna network. What would this look like? Would it be a tool for advocacy around justice for women? Would it be a way to get together and meet other NNPCW alumnae after you move to a new place? Would it be a way to invigorate Presbyterian Women with lots of younger folks enthusiastic about transforming the church?

The other discussion is about Presbyterian Women. The winds are shifting these days in the Coordinating Committee, and CoCo is talking about partnering more intentionally with PW... beyond just the 2006 Leadership Event we're planning on intergenerational dialogue. I really can't say a whole lot more at this stage, except that in fine Presbyterian fashion, a committee is being formed to bring something to the Churchwide Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women. And if you keep reading this blog, someday I might tell you more about it :).

"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." --Isaiah 43:19.


posted by Noelle at 11:09 AM


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